Michael A. Simpson


605 S Front Street, Suite 200 | Columbus, Ohio 43215

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614-629-5236 office | 614-306-1722 mobile

614-306-1722 mobile


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Kendra Marston
(614) 629-5294

Mariana Gallion
(614) 629-5219

As President of NAI Ohio Equities, Michael负责公司的运营和战略方向. 他不仅专注于改善财务业绩,吸引和留住顶尖人才, 同时也在积极扩大客户名单,为机构客户提供服务, 比如俄亥俄州立大学和哥伦布大都会图书馆.

迈克尔带来了超过三十年的房地产经验,以指导他的客户和代理和物业经理在NAI俄亥俄股票. Since becoming President in 2013, 他继续发展经纪团队及其官方直营bbin部门, currently with over 24,000,000 square feet under management.

In his work as a broker and now as President, 迈克尔依靠他们的核心价值观来服务客户和发展办公室:个人成就感, communication, integrity, and value creation. These tenets have led Michael, NAI Ohio Equities, 每个团队成员都成为俄亥俄州中部CRE市场的领导者. 作为最大的本地经纪公司,44年来完成的交易比市场上任何其他经纪公司都多, NAI has more experience, more relationships, 更灵活地交付解决方案,完成工作.


在商业房地产行业中,最有价值的部分是为客户提供咨询所带来的满足感,这些客户正在做出影响其业务和家庭的重大房地产决策. When clients trust my judgment, take my advice, based on my experience and analysis, I feel a fulfillment that you can’t put a price on.

Why did you decide to make Columbus your home?

Ohio is a state of over 11,000,000 people. 俄亥俄州中部是该州唯一人口增长的地区, job growth, and significant new investment.


Being a Bexley native and current resident, 我绝对偏爱这个城市,因为它是全国第一个市级植物园.

What is your favorite hidden gem in Columbus?

The restaurant renaissance taking place in our urban areas; progressive and affordable, what more could you want!


The Ohio State University

“迈克曾在Campus Partners担任过各种职务,包括收购, dispositions and consulting on various projects. In two separate projects for Campus Partners, 迈克能够迫使以前不愿意谈判的业主进入谈判, to sell their properties, 允许对大学和整个社会都很重要的项目向前推进."

Keith Myers,规划和房地产副总裁

The New Albany Company

“新奥尔巴尼的成功源于新奥尔巴尼公司所有业务合作伙伴之间的高水平社区互动. 我们与Mike Simpson和他在NAI Ohio Equities的团队合作, 其中包括列出待售物业,以及管理住宅和商业物业, 为我们的愿景和价值观做出了重大贡献:为在新奥尔巴尼生活和工作的人们提供最高质量的生活."

William G. Ebbing, President

Germain Lexus

“迈克和他的团队在寻找建设新雷克萨斯服务设施的土地方面做得很好. 由于州法律和客户的方便,严格的要求大大缩小了房产参数, 但迈克坚持不懈,给我们提供了很好的选择,以及他在市场上的专业知识. Additionally, 迈克通过谈判签订了一份合同,给了我们足够的时间,让我们能够获得房产的所有权,以便进行所需的分区和街道通行. Over all, working with Mike was a great experience."

Rick Germain

Telhio Credit Union

“迈克多年来一直代表Telhio信用合作社,并成功地在北极星找到了新的分支机构, Grove City, Worthington and Lancaster. While some of these new sites were listed for sale, others were acquired from unwilling sellers, and with Mike's expertise, 我们能够通过谈判达成对各方都公平的协议. Mike的专业知识不仅限于确定地点和谈判交易:Mike帮助协调我们的开发团队,包括工程师, 架构师和律师在我们的整个开发过程中. Overall, 我们与Mike Simpson和NAI Ohio Equites的合作经验是积极的,我们打算在未来的房地产任务中使用Mike."

Leslie Bumgarner, President and CEO

LiUNA Local 423

"With Mike Simpson’s help, LiUNA每年为会员节省数千美元, 同时保持一个为我们提供良好服务的位置. 除了省钱,我们还可以灵活地租房子. 迈克说到做到了,我们高兴极了."

Mark Lynsky, Secretary Treasure


  • New Albany Company Logo
  • Telhio Credit Union logo
  • Huntington Bank logo
  • PNC Bank logo


BA, Economics
Capital University

Professional Affiliations

National Association of REALTORS®
Ohio Association of REALTORS®
Columbus REALTORS®

Community Involvement

ULI Columbus -副主席,管理委员会成员
Bexley Community Foundation - Board Member